"A young human boy named Xiaoyu is invited to a remote and mysterious Elf Kingdom to attend the wedding of the Elf Queen. Taking this opportunity, he can finally see his long lost Elf girlfriend, Leah. The Dark Elves suddenly broke in with their army and forced the Queen to hand over the legendary Life Gem that controls the lifeblood of the elves and possesses supreme power. After being resisted, the Dark Elves forcibly kidnapped the Queen. The Elf Kingdom fell into panic. In order to protect Leah, Xiaoyu, who was involved in the dispute, resolutely embarked on an adventure with the elves to rescue the Queen. However, he did not expect that this journey would not only be full of dangers, but would also be a huge test for him and their love.
2024-09-13 18:22:17,Last Updated 3months ago