The Great Warrior Wall-巨兵长城传
"The Legend of the Giant Soldier" is an animation work that was carefully polished by Two Point Ten Animation in three years. Produced by Youku, Two Point Ten, and Electric Animation, it will be released simultaneously on Youku and Kaku Children is on January 19. It tells the story of a wolf (Xiao Ye) adopted by a herbivore. Xiao Ye, who dreams of becoming a general, takes the military talisman that can summon the power of giant soldiers, and embarks on an adventure to find the general with Xiyue, the amnesiac guardian of the imperial seal. Along the way, they fight against the Wangsha army who want to seize the imperial seal that can summon 100,000 giant soldiers and control the world, and are therefore involved in a huge conspiracy concerning the safety of the world.
2024-09-13 17:40:18,Last Updated 3months ago