"Spirit Pact" is a popular fantasy animation jointly produced by Tencent Animation and Huimeng Animation. Poor young man Yang Jinghua suffered a car accident. When he woke up again, he seemed to be ten years younger overnight and turned into a smooth, tender and blue boy! Just when Yang Jinghua thought that he was about to embark on the road of winning in life after his rebirth, a handsome white haired man who was like a benchmark for tall, rich and handsome appeared in front of him. The handsome man called himself "Duanmu Xi". He not only told Yang Jinghua "You are dead", but also made a very suspicious invitation to him: "Young man, do you want to sign a contract with me and be together for life?" Yang Jinghua: "Huh ?"
2024-09-13 17:56:00,Last Updated 3months ago