In the world of "The Elk King", the story takes place among three major races: humans, monsters, and elks. Compared to the cute and greedy panda Po, the protagonist of the film, the elk princess Yoyo, is gentle and innocent. She turned into a girl after eating an unknown fairy grass and thus possessed the special skill of "mysterious legs". In the process of searching for the elk king, she began a romantic love with the human prince. The film was originally named "The Treasure Map of the Elk King". According to Mr. Yang, the person in charge of the producer China Television Interactive, the film has been secretly produced for three years with the assistance of the panda special effects team and is expected to be released this year. The name change to "The Elk King" was based on the suggestions of the panda producer and overseas film producers, and is more in line with the film is positioning as a blockbuster that integrates special effects, action, adventure, and comedy.
2024-09-13 19:45:12,Last Updated 3months ago