In a traffic accident, a talented but unsuccessful cartoonist (played by Tony Leung) meets a ghost girl (played by Wang Zuxian) who is about to get married, which leads to a romantic and touching relationship between human and ghost. The little female ghost came to the human world and knew nothing about the world. Fortunately, she met a senior female ghost (played by Ip Dexian). die. The little female ghost has a special liking for cartoonists, and secretly helps him become a popular cartoonist. But the little female ghost is getting weaker and weaker day by day. Ye finally waited for the opportunity to reincarnate his son, but the exchange was to capture the little female ghost back to the underworld. Because the little female ghost was actually the unmarried wife of the blood demon, Ye was a man for his son, so he did not hesitate to betray the little female ghost. The cartoonist is determined to break into the underworld and fight the blood demon...
2024-09-13 19:41:50,Last Updated 3months ago