Xiaozhi (voiced by Han Bo), Xiaoren (voiced by Liu Pei) and Xiaoyong (voiced by Zefei) were originally proud of their handsome appearance, but they became three reckless men because of vulgarity when they were pacifying the rebellion in the mortal world. Not only that, the three people who failed to complete the task could not return to heaven, and were stranded in the human world. They were also forced to join the army in the war and were in danger of death at any time. The three learned that the only way to restore their previous appearance was to rely on true love. And they learned that the one who sucked away the time and true love was Lu Bu, named "Three No God of War". However, Lu Bu is strength was too strong. Xiaozhi and his group challenged him repeatedly, but they all ended up in failure. In the end, they discovered Lu Bu is weakness, gathered the world, sent all the true love into Lu Bu is empty heart, and finally defeated him.
2024-09-13 19:15:02,Last Updated 3months ago