The British Alliance-机变英盟
The Adventures of the Ugly Duckling-丑小鸭历险记
Whale Rider Season 2-四海鲸骑第二季
Tantan Cat Mermaid Princess-探探猫人鱼公主
Travel! Frog in the Shallow Well Travel! Frog-旅行吧!井底之蛙
Electric Boy Season 2-电击小子第二季
Happy Panda-我是大熊猫
Uglydoll Ugly Dolls-丑娃娃
The Peak of True Martial Arts-真武巅峰
Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac Origins of the Twelve-生肖传奇之十二生肖闯江湖
Seer Movie 7 Crazy Intelligence-赛尔号大电影7:疯狂机器城
Novoland Eagle Flag-九州缥缈录动画版
The Righteous Red Master (Cantonese version)-正义红师 粤语版
Fruity Robo The Great Escape-果宝特攻之水果大逃亡
Little Green and Little Blue Season 4-小绿和小蓝第四季
Four WarriorsThe Underworld-功夫四侠:勇闯地宫
Spirit Realm Season 3-灵域第三季
Crazy and Dream City-疯狂梦幻城
Mr. Miao-妙先生
happy friends 14-开心超人联盟之星之力
Troll The Tale of a Tail-山海经之小人国
Shaolin Wuzang-中华小子
Battle Through the Heavens-斗破苍穹年番
The Island of Siliang-眷思量
Defense fully open-防御全开
The violent gunman-暴基枪手
Immortality Eternal Life-永生
The Tianchi Monster-天池水怪
New Happy Dad and Son 3 Adventure in Russia-新大头儿子和小头爸爸3:俄罗斯奇遇记