Beast Slayer-斩兽之刃
Mr. Marvel movie-中国惊奇先生大电影
Rakshasa Street-镇魂街第一季
The Peak of True Martial Arts-真武巅峰
Zhu Xian-诛仙
The Little Master's Better Life-正经少主的幸福生活
The Righteous Red Master (Cantonese version)-正义红师 粤语版
Pause! Let Me Check the Walkthrough First-暂停!让我查攻略
Can you still be a hero at this age?-这个年纪还能当大侠吗
The Song of the Pillow Sword: The Journey into the World-枕刀歌之尘世行
Shaolin Wuzang-中华小子
Mr. Marvelous China-中国惊奇先生