Super Seminary Black Armor-超神学院之黑甲
Rainbow Sea Fly High-冲出地球
Uglydoll Ugly Dolls-丑娃娃
Ultra Beast Force RevEvolution-超兽武装之勇者无惧
Adventure in time and space-超时空大冒险
Brave Rabbit 2 Crazy Circus-闯堂兔2疯狂马戏团
The Adventures of the Ugly Duckling-丑小鸭历险记
Adventure in time and space-超时空大冒险2018
Bicycle Boy 2-超能龙骑侠
Bobby the Hedgehog-刺猬小子之天生我刺
Ultra Beast Force RevEvolution-超兽武装之仁者无敌
Super Frog Warrior Star Home-超蛙战士之星际家园